Plasmidsaurus Sequencing
The IIHG is now hosting a drop box for samples to send to Plasmidsaurus for DNA sequencing.

Sequencing Service
Fully sequence your entire construct, including insert and backbone, using the Oxford Nanopore long-read technology. No primers required.
Results include:
- Sequence files - get a polished consensus sequence of your plasmid. FASTA, .GBK, .ab1
- Plasmid map - see a graphical representation of your DNA sequence, including genes & promoters
- Read length histogram - view the read length distribution of your sample's raw reads
Step-by-Step Instructions:
- Place your sequencing request with Plasmidsaurus by visiting or by scanning this QR code:

2. Follow the Plasmidsaurus shipping instructions to properly prepare your samples for submission and shipment. Bring your samples to 116 EMRB and place in the designated drop box.

Samples must be delivered to the box by noon (12PM) on Thursdays in order to be included in the weekly pick-up.
3. Open your email inbox the following day to obtain your sequencing results.