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Recent publications from the IIHG Bioinformatics Division
Transcriptional repressor Capicua is a gatekeeper of cell-intrinsic interferon responses
CF airway epithelia display exaggerated host defense responses and prolonged cilia loss during RSV infection
Profiles of Exosomal microRNAs in Joint Cells and Candidate microRNAs for Cartilage Regeneration
The oxygen level in air directs airway epithelial cell differentiation by controlling mitochondrial citrate export
The Impact of Cell-Intrinsic STAT6 Protein on Donor T Cell-Mediated Graft-Versus-Tumor Effect
Multi-omic analyses of a twin pair with mirror image cleft lip identifies pathogenic variant in <em>FGF20</em> modified by differential methylation upstream of <em>ZFP57</em>
Spatial differences in gene expression across the dorsal raphe nucleus in a model of early Alzheimer's disease
FABP4-mediated lipid accumulation and lipolysis in tumor-associated macrophages promote breast cancer metastasis
Effects of 28-day nose-only inhalation of PCB52 (2,2',5,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl) on the brain transcriptome
Upregulation of fatty acid synthesis genes in the livers of adolescent female rats caused by inhalation exposure to PCB52 (2,2',5,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl)
Full bibliography
2023 Publications
Tollefson, M.R., Gogal, R.A., Weaver, A.M. et al. Assessing variants of uncertain significance implicated in hearing loss using a comprehensive deafness proteome. Hum Genet 142, 819–834 (2023).
Jehan Alladina, et al. A human model of asthma exacerbation reveals transcriptional programs and cell circuits specific to allergic asthma. Sci. Immunol.8, eabq6352 (2023). DOI:10.1126/sciimmunol.abq6352
Ganesh, V.; Seol, D.; Gomez-Contreras, P.C.; Keen, H.L.; Shin, K.; Martin, J.A. Exosome-Based Cell Homing and Angiogenic Differentiation for Dental Pulp Regeneration. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 466.
G. Graham, M.S. Chimenti, K.L. Knudtson, D.N. Grenard, L. Co, M. Sumner, T. Tchou, K.M. Bieszczad. Learning induces unique transcriptional landscapes in the auditory cortex. bioRxiv 2023.04.15.536914; doi: (This article is a preprint and has not been peer reviewed)
Brittany P. Todd, Zili Luo, Noah Gilkes, Michael S. Chimenti, Zeru Peterson, Madison Mix, John T. Harty, Thomas Nickl-Jockschat, Polly J. Ferguson, Alexander G. Bassuk, Elizabeth A. Newell. Selective neuroimmune modulation by type I interferon drives neuropathology and neurologic dysfunction following traumatic brain injury. bioRxiv 2023.06.06.543774; doi:
Joseph B. Lesnak, Kazuhiro Hayashi, Ashley N. Plumb, Adam J. Janowski, Michael S. Chimenti, Kathleen A. Sluka. The impact of sex and physical activity on the local immune response to muscle pain. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, Volume 111, 2023, Pages 4-20, ISSN 0889-1591,
Francoise A. Gourronc, Michael S. Chimenti, Hans-Joachim Lehmler, James A. Ankrum, Aloysius J. Klingelhutz. Hydroxylation markedly alters how the polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congener, PCB52, affects gene expression in human preadipocytes. Toxicology in Vitro,Volume 89,2023,105568,ISSN 0887-2333,
2022 Publications
Francoise A. Gourronc, Brynn K. Helm, Larry W. Robertson, Michael S. Chimenti, Hans Joachim-Lehmler, James A. Ankrum, Aloysius J. Klingelhutz. Transcriptome sequencing of 3,3′,4,4′,5-Pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB126)-treated human preadipocytes demonstrates progressive changes in pathways associated with inflammation and diabetes. Toxicology in Vitro,Volume 83,2022,105396,ISSN 0887-2333,
Nawu Yang, Jevan Christie, Henry L. Keen, Maurice A. Matthew, Chaoqun Yao. Draft Genome Sequence of Trichomonas tenax Strain Hs-4:NIH. Microbiology Resource Announcements. doi:10.1128/mra.00157-22.
Miles J. Klimara, Carla Nishimura, Donghong Wang, Diana L. Kolbe, Amanda M. Schaefer, William D. Walls, Kathy L. Frees, Richard J.H. Smith, Hela Azaiez. De novo variants are a common cause of genetic hearing loss. Genetics in Medicine. Volume 24, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 2555-2567, ISSN 1098-3600,
Athmane Teghanemt, Priyanjali Pulipati, Kenneth Day, Matt Yorek, Ren Yi, Kara Misel-Wuchter, Henry L Keen, Christy Au, Thorsten Maretzky, Prajwal Gurung, Dan R. Littman, Priya D. Issuree. Epigenetic Programming during thymic development sets the stage for optimal function in effector T cells via DNA demethylation. bioRxiv 2021.05.03.442517; doi:
Teghanemt, A., Pulipati, P., Misel-Wuchter, K., Keen, HL., et al. CD4 expression in effector T cells depends on DNA demethylation over a developmentally established stimulus-responsive element. Nature Communication 13, 1477 (2022).
Joseph Lesnak, Kazuhiro Hayashi, Ashley Plumb, Michael S. Chimenti, Kathleen A. Sluka. RNA Sequencing Reveals Transcriptional Changes in Muscle Tissue in Response to Muscle Pain in Exercised and Sedentary Mice. The Journal of Pain, Volume 23, Issue 5, Supplement, 2022, Page 38, ISSN 1526-5900,
Seligman, K. L., Shearer, A. E., Frees, K., Nishimura, C., Kolbe, D., Dunn, C., Hansen, M. R., Gantz, B. J., & Smith, R. J. H. (2022). Genetic Causes of Hearing Loss in a Large Cohort of Cochlear Implant Recipients. Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, 166(4), 734–737.
Hirsch, Y., Tangshewinsirikul, C., Booth, K.T. et al. A synonymous variant in MYO15A enriched in the Ashkenazi Jewish population causes autosomal recessive hearing loss due to abnormal splicing. Eur J Hum Genet 29, 988–997 (2021).
Todd, B.P., Chimenti, M.S., Luo, Z. et al. Traumatic brain injury results in unique microglial and astrocyte transcriptomes enriched for type I interferon response. J Neuroinflammation 18, 151 (2021).
Derek Simonsen, Nicole Cady, Chunyun Zhang, Rachel L Shrode, Michael L McCormick, Douglas R Spitz, Michael S Chimenti, Kai Wang, Ashutosh Mangalam, Hans-Joachim Lehmler, The Effects of Benoxacor on the Liver and Gut Microbiome of C57BL/6 Mice, Toxicological Sciences, Volume 186, Issue 1, March 2022, Pages 102–117,
2021 Publications
Ratcliff J, Thurman A (2020). aggregateBioVar: Differential Gene Expression Analysis for Multi-subject scRNA-seq. R package version 1.0.0,
Wang, Zhaoming; Chimenti, Michael S; Strouse, Christopher; Weiner, George J."T cells, particularly activated CD4+ cells, maintain anti-CD20-mediated NK cell viability and antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity." Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy. 1-13, 2021. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Sabree, Shakoora A; Voigt, Andrew P; Blackwell, Sue E; Vishwakarma, Ajaykumar; Chimenti, Michael S; Salem, Aliasger K; Weiner, George J. "Direct and indirect immune effects of CMP-001, a virus-like particle containing a TLR9 agonist." Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer. 9:6. 2021. BMJ Publishing Group.
Thurman, Andrew L; Ratcliff, Jason A; Chimenti, Michael S; Pezzulo, Alejandro A. "Differential gene expression analysis for multi-subject single cell RNA sequencing studies with aggregateBioVar" BMC Bioinformatics. 2021.
Allred, Merri-Grace; Chimenti, Michael S; Ciecko, Ashley E; Chen, Yi-Guang; Lieberman, Scott M. "Characterization of Type I Interferon-Associated Chemokines and Cytokines in Lacrimal Glands of Nonobese Diabetic Mice" International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22:7. 3767. 2021.
Merritt, Nicole; Garcia, Keith; Rajendran, Dushyandi; Lin, Zhen-Yuan; Zhang, Xiaomeng; Mitchell, Katrina A; Borcherding, Nicholas; Fullenkamp, Colleen; Chimenti, Michael S; Gingras, Anne-Claude. "TAZ-CAMTA1 and YAP-TFE3 alter the TAZ/YAP transcriptome by recruiting the ATAC histone acetyltransferase complex" Elife, 10:e62857. 2021. eLife Sciences Publications Limited
2020 Publications
Nicole Merritt, Keith Garcia, Dushyandi Rajendran, Zhen-Yuan Lin, Xiaomeng Zhang, Katrina M. Mitchell, Nicholas Borcherding, Colleen Fullenkamp, Michael Chimenti, Anne-Claude Gingras, Kieran F. Harvey, Munir R. Tanas. TAZ-CAMTA1 and YAP-TFE3 modulate the basal TAZ/YAP transcriptional program by recruiting the ATAC histone acetyltransferase complex. bioRxiv 2020.09.07.286633; doi:
Kumuthini J, Chimenti M, Nahnsen S, Peltzer A, Meraba R, et al. (2020) Ten simple rules for providing effective bioinformatics research support. PLOS Computational Biology 16(3): e1007531.
Oliver W. Gramlich, Alexander J. Brown, Cheyanne R. Godwin, Michael S. Chimenti, Lauren K. Boland, James A. Ankrum, Randy H. Kardon; Systemic Mesenchymal Stem Cell Treatment Mitigates Structural and Functional Retinal Ganglion Cell Degeneration in a Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis. Trans. Vis. Sci. Tech. 2020;9(8):16. doi:
Heather A Stiff, Christina M Sloan-Heggen, Ashley Ko, Wanda L Pfeifer, Diana L Kolbe, Carla J Nishimura, Kathy L Frees, Kevin T Booth, Donghong Wang, Amy E Weaver, Hela Azaiez, John Kamholz, Richard J H Smith, Arlene V Drack. Is it Usher syndrome? Collaborative diagnosis and molecular genetics of patients with visual impairment and hearing loss. Ophthalmic Genet 2020 Apr;41(2):151-158. doi: 10.1080/13816810.2020.1747088. Epub 2020 Apr 13.
W Daniel Walls, Hideaki Moteki, Taylor R Thomas, Shin-Ya Nishio, Hidekane Yoshimura, Yoichiro Iwasa, Kathy L Frees, Carla J Nishimura, Hela Azaiez, Kevin T Booth, Robert J Marini, Diana L Kolbe, A Monique Weaver, Amanda M Schaefer, Kai Wang, Terry A Braun, Shin-Ichi Usami, Peter G Barr-Gillespie, Guy P Richardson, Richard J Smith, Thomas L Casavant. A comparative analysis of genetic hearing loss phenotypes in European/American and Japanese populations. Hum Genet 2020 Oct;139(10):1315-1323. doi: 10.1007/s00439-020-02174-y. Epub 2020 May 7.
Ajaykumar Vishwakarma, Nicholas Bocherding, Michael S. Chimenti, Purshottam Vishwakarma, Kenneth Nepple, Aliasger Salem, Russell W. Jenkins, Weizhou Zhang, Yousef Zakharia. Mapping the Immune Landscape of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma by Single-Cell RNA-seq. bioRxiv 824482;
Sara B. Mitchell, Michael S. Chimenti, Hiroyuki Kawano, Tsun Ming Tom Yuen, Ashley E. Sjurson, Sadahiro Iwabuchi, Kevin L Knudtson, Thomas B Bair, Diana Kolbe, N. Charles Harata. Transcriptome profiles in brains of mice heterozygous for a DYT1 dystonia-associated mutation in the endogenous Tor1a gene. bioRxiv 825505; doi:
Sophia C. Gaynor, Eric T. Monson, Marie E. Gaine, Michael S. Chimenti, Rachel D. Reichman, Meredith Parsons, Lalita Oonthonpan, Peter P. Zandi, James B. Potash, Virginia L. Willour. Male-specific association of the 2p25 region with suicide attempt in bipolar disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, Volume 121, 2020, Pages 151-158.
2019 Publications
Agbor LN, Nair AR, Wu J, Lu KT, Davis DR, Keen HL, Quelle FW, McCormick JA, Singer JD, Sigmund CD. Conditional deletion of smooth muscle Cullin-3 causes severe progressive hypertension. JCI Insight. 2019 Jun 11;5. pii: 129793.
Black, EM, Chimenti, MS, Just, CL. Metagenomic analysis of nitrogen‐cycling genes in upper Mississippi river sediment with mussel assemblages. MicrobiologyOpen 2019; 8:e739.
Mukohda M, Fang S, Wu J, Agbor LN, Nair AR, Ibeawuchi SC, Hu C, Liu X, Lu KT, Guo DF, Davis DR, Keen HL, Quelle FW, Sigmund CD. RhoBTB1 protects against hypertension and arterial stiffness by restraining phosphodiesterase 5 activity. J Clin Invest. 2019 Mar 21;129(6):2318-2332. doi:
Ranum PT, Goodwin AT, Yoshimura H, Kolbe DL, Walls WD, Koh JY, He DZZ, & Smith RJH. Insights into the Biology of Hearing and Deafness Revealed by Single-Cell RNA Sequencing. Cell Rep. 2019 Mar 12;26(11):3160-3171.e3. doi:
2018 Publications
Shearer AE, Frees K, Kolbe DL, Smith RJH. Comprehensive Genetic Testing for Deafness from Fresh and Archived Dried Blood Spots. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018 Aug 28:194599818797291. doi:
Azaiez H, Booth KT, Ephraim SS, Crone B, Black-Ziegelbein EA, Marini RJ, Shearer AE, Sloan-Heggen CM, Kolbe D, Casavant T, Schnieders MJ, Nishimura C, Braun T, Smith RJH. Genomic Landscape and Mutational Signatures of Deafness-Associated Genes. Am J Hum Genet. 2018 Oct 4;103(4):484-497. doi: Epub 2018 Sep 20.
Sandgren JA, Deng G, Linggonegoro DW, Scroggins SM, Perschbacher KJ, Nair AR, Nishimura TE, Zhang SY, Agbor LN, Wu J, Keen HL, Naber MC, Pearson NA, Zimmerman KA, Weiss RM, Bowdler NC, Usachev YM, Santillan DA, Potthoff MJ, Pierce GL, Gibson-Corley KN, Sigmund CD, Santillan MK, Grobe JL. Arginine vasopressin infusion is sufficient to model clinical features of preeclampsia in mice. JCI Insight. 2018 Oct 4;3(19). pii: 99403. doi:
2016-2017 Publications
O'Brien, Kate M, Chimenti, Michael S, Farnell, Morgan, Tabler, Tom, Bair, Thomas, Bray, Joey L., Nonnenmann, Matthew W. High throughput genomic sequencing of bioaerosols in broiler chicken production facilities. Microbial Biotechnology ( 2016) 9( 6), 782– 791
Black EM, Chimenti MS, Just CL. 2017. Effect of freshwater mussels on the vertical distribution of anaerobic ammonia oxidizers and other nitrogen-transforming microorganisms in upper Mississippi river sediment. PeerJ 5:e3536
Sarah von Spiczak, Katherine L. Helbig, Deepali N. Shinde, Robert Huether, ..., Diana L. Kolbe, Georgie Hollingsworth, Bernd A. Neubauer, Hiltrud Muhle, Ulrich Stephani, Ingrid E. Scheffer, Sérgio D.J. Pena, Sanjay M. Sisodiya, Ingo Helbig. DNM1 encephalopathy. For the Epi4K Consortium, For the EuroEPINOMICS-RES NLES Working Group. Neurology Jul 2017, 89 (4) 385-394; DOI:
Moteki, H., Azaiez, H., Sloan-Heggen, C. M., Booth, K., Nishio, S., Wakui, K., Kolbe, D, … Usami, S. (2016). Detection and Confirmation of Deafness-Causing Copy Number Variations in the STRC Gene by Massively Parallel Sequencing and Comparative Genomic Hybridization. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 125(11), 918–923.
Julie Wertz, Qianli Liao, Thomas B Bair & Michael S Chimenti. PyVar: An Extensible Framework for Variant Annotator Comparison. bioRxiv 078386; doi: