The IIHG Genomics Division operates the Illumina iScan Microarray System to run the Infinium BeadArrays. The Infinium arrays can be used for genotyping and methylation profiling studies.

The IIHG Genomics Division operates the Illumina iScan Microarray System to run the Infinium BeadArrays. The Infinium arrays can be used for genotyping and methylation profiling studies.

How to get started

Investigators must contact and/or meet with the IIHG Genomics Division microarray personnel before embarking on their microarray experiments. During the meeting, the microarray personnel will discuss experimental design, sample preparation, fees, and analysis.

Investigators may elect to provide the purified DNA and the IIHG Genomics Division will perform all the steps necessary to complete data collection. Alternatively, the investigator may elect to perform their own sample processing and then provide their sample to the IIHG Genomics Division for hybridization to the array and scan. The microarray results are provided in formats that are compatible with most commercial or freeware microarray analysis programs.

Request microarray 

Contact Information

116 EMRB
Phone: (319) 335-7928