Having the advice and support of a mentor throughout the application/interview process truly helped and gave me the confidence to believe in myself.

Checklists and Magnifying Glass


Applications will be accepted through Sunday, September 6. 

About the Program:

For several years, the IIHG and  has worked with certain students such as internship applicants and Topics in Genetic Counseling Webinar Series participants to help advise them on applying to graduate programs in genetic counseling, obtaining letters of recommendation, how to rank the schools, etc.

Beginning in 2021, the Topics in Genetic Counseling Webinar Series Admissions Committee determined that due to the high interest in the webinar series, additional opportunities such as a mentoring program might be of interest to students. This program would complement our catalog of student activities that includes the IIHG Careers in Human Genetics Information Event, IIHG Future of Personalized Genomic Medicine: Applying to Genetic Counseling Programs Event, Topics in Genetic Counseling Webinar Series, and UIHC Genetic Counselor shadowing.

Mentorship details

  • Applicants must be applying to graduate school for the upcoming application cycle.
  • Applicants must be a senior in college or graduated from an accredited institution with the appropriate undergraduate courses completed for consideration by graduate programs in genetic counseling.
  • Applicants must have attended and successfully completed at least one education event about genetic counseling. Examples include but are not limited to: Informational events such a career day featuring a genetic counselor, Applying to Genetic Counseling Graduate Programs Event (hosted by the IIHG), Topics in Genetic Counseling Webinar Series (hosted by the IIHG), internship in genetic counseling (either with the IIHG or another internship program).

Candidates submit an application that is utilized for acceptance into the program and matching to mentors. Individuals who are accepted into the program are expected to participate in all mentorship activities as well as complete program evaluations.

  • You will speak to your mentor approximately once a month from October through May the following year
  • Virtual Lunches: Every month the IIHG will host a virtual lunch via Zoom that is open to both mentors and mentees. This lunch provides a relaxing, rapport building environment to talk candidly about the application process.
  • Program Evaluations: You will be asked to complete several evaluations of the program along the way. These are short and won't take a long time but are essential for us to continue to develop this program.

  • September - Application review
  • October
    • Meet your mentor(s). Schedule a virtual meeting to discuss your goals in this mentorship and get to know your mentor(s)
    • Virtual lunch
  • November
    • Work on personal statements, finalize list of schools to apply to
    • Virtual lunch
  • December
    • Touch base with mentor
    • Virtual lunch
  • January
    • Touch base - consider beginning interview prep
    • Virtual lunch
  • February
    • Interview prep/debrief
    • Virtual lunch
  • March
    • Interview prep/debrief
    • Virtual lunch
  • April
    • Discuss match rank order list; 2nd call to discuss match results
    • Virtual lunch
  • Summer – Touch base on how to prepare for the transition to grad school and adjusting to a new environment.

The University of Iowa Genetic Counseling Undergraduate Mentor Program is not affiliated with genetic counseling graduate programs and participation does not guarantee acceptance to graduate school.