The Agilent 5300 Fragment Analyzer system is a capillary electrophoresis instrument that can analyze up to 47 samples + ladder in parallel. DNA or RNA fragments are fluorescently labeled, separated by capillary electrophoresis (CE), and sized by comparison to an internal standard. Applications include initial assessment of RNA/DNA sample integrity, as well as sizing and quantification of final NGS libraries.  

During the electrophoresis process, individual capillaries are filled with gel that serves as the separation matrix. Samples are voltage-injected into the capillaries and each sample moves through an individual capillary in a size-dependent manner. As the fragments pass the detection window, a detector captures the size and concentration level of the sample. This series of images is then merged together to produce a high-resolution electropherogram across the entire sizing range. 

Depending on input sample type, quality assessments including RNA Quality Number (RQN), Genomic Quality Number (GQN), sample size, and concentration may be provided. 


Cost per run (up to 48 samples): $325.00 

Please email the Genomics Division for submission details.