The Agilent Femto Pulse System is a pulsed-field electrophoresis instrument that can analyze up to 11 samples + ladder in parallel. It achieves significantly higher sensitivity for nucleic acid smears and fragments compared to automated or constant-field capillary electrophoresis systems. This enables the detection of low-mass samples, making it highly sensitive for RNA or cfDNA sample analysis. The pulsed-field electrophoresis technology delivers precise quantification and qualification of DNA samples up to 165 kb, ideal for evaluating the quality of genomic DNA intended for long-read sequencing.

As opposed to constant-field electrophoresis systems (such as the Fragment analyzer), pulsed-field electrophoresis within the Femto Pulse is well-suited to prevent peak compression at fragment lengths above 20kb. The optical detection platform also has femtogram level sensitivity down to 50 fg/µL, achieving 10 times higher sensitivity for nucleic acid smears and up to 100 times higher for nucleic acid fragments

Depending on input sample type, quality assessments including RNA Quality Number (RQN), Genomic Quality Number (GQN), sample size, and concentration may be provided.


Cost per sample: $25.00 

Please email the Genomics Division for submission details.